Frequently Asked Questions

Complaints and reports made to the OSRR cannot be made anonymously.  Respondent(s) to any complaints have the right to respond to any allegation.  Respondent(s) also have the right to see the evidence and submit any evidence they have relevant to the incident(s).  In cases where the complainant could be placed at a risk of harm, disclosure to the respondent(s) will be delayed until that risk is managed.

However, complaints and case documentation are restricted to those people who need to see and review them to investigate a complaint or report that has been filed. 

Yes.  The school will handle your complaint with discretion and confidentiality.  Only those that must have access to your initial report and the details of any subsequent investigation will have access.  Other students or faculty will not be aware of the details of your case.

If you feel that some aspects of your complaint or allegation places you at potential risk of harm, you should pass those details to the OSRR so that concern can be assessed, and appropriate steps taken to ensure your safety.

After receiving your complaint in writing, the OSRR will make an initial assessment of your allegation(s). 

If your complaint is an issue that is outside the scope of the OSRR you will be contacted and advised on your next steps (with your approval, other school departments may be passed your complaint in some circumstances).

If your complaint is aligned to the scope of the OSRR it will be passed to a Student Liaison (SL) within the office who will manage your case.  The SL will;

  • Initiate an investigation.
  • Gather documentary or other evidence that is available.
  • Contact you, any witness(es) and the respondent(s).
  • Offer voluntary interviews to all relevant parties.
  • Make a written finding (based on the balance of probability).
  • Where the allegation(s) are unsubstantiated – no further action will be taken.
  • Where the allegation(s) are substantiated.
    • The OSRR may make a recommendation for sanction against the respondent(s) or;*
    • The OSRR may refer their finding and recommendation to the Student Conduct Committee for further review and reversal of finding or sanction.*

Yes. The school will handle your complaint with discretion and confidentiality.  Only those that must have access to your initial report and the details of any subsequent investigation will have access.  Other students or faculty will not be aware of the details of your case.

You can make a discrimination and/or harassment complaint only based on specific, legislatively protected, grounds.

Age, Colour, Citizenship, Creed, Disability, Ethnicity, Family Status, Gender Expression, Gender Identity, Marital Status, National Origin, Political Belief*, Sex (including pregnancy & breastfeeding), Sexual Orientation or Social Condition*.

(*Please note – some protected grounds vary between Provincial Jurisdictions).

You will need to use a specific complaint form for this type of complaint. Discrimination & Harassment Form.

Yes. The school will handle your complaint with discretion and confidentiality.  Only those that must have access to your initial report and the details of any subsequent investigation will have access.  Other students or faculty will not be aware of the details of your case.

You will need to use a specific complaint form for this type of complaint, Incident Complaint Reporting Form for Students.

Additionally – Violence or threats of violence can have a profound impact on your mental and physical wellbeing.  You are encouraged to seek help and advice by;

  1. Seeing your own medical practitioner or;
  2. Booking a wellness appointment with our professional Mental Health and Wellness team directly [book an appointment]
  3. Contact the school’s Wellness Team via E-mail.
  4. Contact the 24/7 Keep.meSAFE Student Support Program online or call 1-844-451-9700

Yes. The school will handle your complaint with the utmost discretion and confidentiality.  Only those that must have access to your initial report and the details of any subsequent investigation will have access.  Other students or faculty will not be aware of the details of your case.

You will need to make a complaint on a specific form to report this kind of incident (Sexual Violence Reporting Form).

You may also report the incident directly via the appropriate campus email below:

Additionally – Sexual Violence or the threat of it can have profound impact of your mental and physical wellbeing.  You are encouraged to seek help and advice by;

  1. Seeing your own medical practitioner or;
  2. Booking a wellness appointment with our professional Mental Health and Wellness team directly [book an appointment]
  3. Contact the YU Wellness Team via E-mail.
  4. Contact the 24/7 Keep.meSAFE Student Support Program online or call 1-844-451-9700

No. The student conduct policy specifically prohibits any behaviour that could be considered reprisal for the reporting of an appropriate complaint. 

If a complaint is ultimately unsubstantiated no action would be taken against you UNLESS there was evidence that you alleged an untrue complaint with malicious intentions directed at another. 

The student conduct policy prohibits false, malicious, or vexatious allegations against another. Any report you make to the OSRR should be honest and in keeping with the policy.

No. It is unfortunately true that those who are experiencing harassment or bullying, or other difficult situations are often afraid to speak up. 

Often there is fear that they will be seen as over-reacting, or thought of as a troublemaker, or fear that they may not be believed or make things worse. 

As a friend or colleague, your MOST IMPORTANT action is that you listen to them and encourage them to seek and get help.  Don’t minimize their concern.  Don’t tell them to ignore it in hopes that it will go away.  If they have found the courage to share their concern with you, you need to take their concern seriously.

You can encourage them to talk to;

If you are comfortable doing so, offer to accompany them. 

If you believe that your friend or anyone else might be unsafe, it is important that you help them contact the appropriate off-site services (police, medical professional, etc.,).

Yes, but there are some situations when select information is shared on a very limited basis. 

Complaints and reports made to the OSRR are treated with the highest confidentiality standards.  The School, Faculty & Staff will protect personal information and handle all records in accordance with applicable legislation in force at the time (e.g., the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act), where applicable in the circumstances, and in keeping with any professional obligations. The school will share identifying information only in circumstances where it is necessary to comply with the terms of the Code of Conduct, to address safety concerns, or to satisfy a legal reporting requirement(s). 

In cases where information must be shared the School, Faculty & Staff will only disclose the minimum amount of information needed to allow such concerns to be addressed.  Such circumstances include those where:

  • an individual is at risk of self harm;
  • an individual is at risk of harming others;
  • there are reasonable grounds to be concerned with future risk to the safety of the school community, property and/or the general public;
  • disclosure is required by law; (e.g., risk of harm to a minor); or, to comply with other legislation;
  • it is necessary to comply with the reporting requirements of regulatory bodies;
  • it is necessary to share information between appropriate staff within their offices for the purpose of supporting the student.

Further limits to confidentiality may occur if the School is subject to legal proceedings that compel the disclosure of information.

Respondent(s) to any complaints have the right to respond to any allegation.  Respondent(s) also have the right to see the evidence and submit their own evidence they believe is relevant to the incident(s).  In cases where the complainant could be placed at a risk of harm, disclosure to the respondent(s) may be delayed until that risk is managed.

If you feel that some aspects of your complaint or allegation places you at potential risk of harm, you should pass those details to the OSRR so that concern can be assessed, and appropriate steps taken to ensure your safety.

Any appropriate complaints of misconduct, regardless of the respondent’s relationship (if any) with the school are treated in much the same way.  However, complaints involving faculty or staff may not be handled by the OSRR.  These cases may be redirected to a different department on a case-by-case basis. If you are unsure if your complaint fits the scope of the OSRR please contact us for advice;

Requests for academic appeals are not made to the OSRR. Please contact the appropriate office and they will help you with your request.

No, the school does not have an Ombudsperson office.

Some of the roles and functions of an Ombudsperson are mirrored within various school departments including the OSRR.

If you have any questions or concerns that you feel might need the support of an ombudsperson office, please contact the OSRR and we will attempt to deal with your case appropriately and confidentially.

No. However, we do understand that any conduct investigation can be stressful.

Anyone involved in an OSRR investigation (complainant(s), respondent(s), or witness(es)), may like to have a person to support their wellbeing through the process.

Usually this would be someone you trust who could provide emotional and moral support, such as a family member or friend who you trust to keep your case confidential.

If you have ANY known (new or pre-existing) personal barriers, limitations or disabilities that you believe have been interfering with your ability to undertake your chosen area of study (they can be temporary or ongoing), please contact the School’s Accessibility and Academic Accommodations office if you have not already done so.  This office will help assess your situation and can provide you with help and assistance to navigate your specific needs while completing your program.

If you have specific barriers, limitations or disabilities that you believe you need assistance with during an investigation please ensure you have already contacted the Accessibility and Academic Accommodations office.   Like all other services available at the school the OSRR will make every attempt to meet any specific needs you may have. 

Yes. If you have any questions or concerns but are not sure if your problem might require a complaint of misconduct, please contact the OSRR and we will attempt to deal with your case appropriately and confidentially.